Friday, 8 June 2012

Last Days in Chiang Rai

Hey Everyone!

         It's been three weeks to the day since we left Thailand and landed in New Delhi, India! Wow, I can't believe it. Looking back on my time in Thailand, I am so thankful for every day I spent in beautiful Chiang Rai. I learnt so much about God, photography and myself, and I feel so blessed! The six weeks spent in Thailand, was our first lecture phase for the Photographic Communications Core Course. We learnt as much about photography as possible in that time, and it was spent doing homework, and getting first hand experience. We went around Chiang Rai, trying to capture memorable moments, instead of just capturing a scene, waiting patiently for the emotion behind it. Looking back at my photographs from just two months ago, I can't believe how much I've learnt!


Two of my favourite photographs I took for 

While in Chiang Rai I got to experience so many amazing things. A Thai wedding, sleeping in a hut in the hills for a night, and night bizarres galore. 

The Thai wedding we got to go to. Such a 
beautiful couple!

        The night we spent in the hut was one of my favourite memories from my time in Thailand. Brendan, Jill, Sarah, Kyle and I got to spend a day with a hill tribe living in North of Chiang Rai. We spent the day taking pictures of the way they live, and the beautiful people that make up the community. We hiked to the top of a large hill, and spent the night showering in a waterfall and hunting frogs with slingshots. The presence and beauty of God was touchable and tangible in these lush hills, and it was an amazing, peaceful time. As we laid our heads down for the night, the rumble of thunder slowly grew louder, and soon a torrent of rain started coming down! Our hut was open on three sides, but it was one of the best sleeps I've ever had. Fresh.


                                 One of the beautiful girls living in the tribe.

Our hut we stayed in! (iPod)

The lush hills of Northern Thailand. (iPod)

The frogs we hunted with slingshots, and ate for breakfast
the next day. (iPod)

The ministry we worked with while in Chiang Rai, was Battamjai, or Home of the Open Heart, a home for women and children affected by HIV. The children were so full of life and love, and every day we spent with them was a blessing. I miss their smiling faces already, and their beautiful spirits. 

Three of the boys we worked with at Home of the 
Open Heart. (iPod)

         Meeting Oil and CeCe was the best thing that happened to my while I was Chiang Rai. For one of our assignments we had to spend 24 hours with someone and document there life story in photographs. I decided I wanted to do mine on a bar girl working in what can be called the red light district of Chiang Rai. The first girl I met was Oil, a 28 year old working in the bar to support her children and her parents. I spent 24 hours with her, and then wrote a magazine article which I will posting soon! After spending many nights with Oil and other girls working in the bars, I learnt what choice really is. Choice is based on where you live, the family you are born into, the money you possess and the culture you are a part of. In Thailand, the young are expected to support the old, and without much education or english, which is common for Thai's from remote villages, there aren't many options. Many of the girls working in the bars, work there only to support there children and parents, after the end of a bad marriage. And unfortunately, many are also prostitutes to make the extra money they need to raise there families. Every girl I talked to had different dreams for there life, but the choice was made for them at a young age, where they would end up. 

    The second girl I met was CeCe, a 43 year old mother of three from Milaysia. After running away from an abusive marriage with just one of her three children, the only work she could find was working in a bar. And as I learnt from many people emerged in this lifestyle, bar girl is a slippery slope into prostitution. 

   My eyes were opened to this whole new world while in Chiang Rai, and my heart breaks for every single girl I met. Choice is not a word to describe this lifestyle, and I now know the stories behind the stereotype. The Lord spoke clearly to me of the worth and beauty these girls possess, and I feel this may be something I want to dedicate my life to. Speaking truth into these girls' lives, and helping them find a different lifestyle.

 Beautiful Oil.

Oil, her cousin and I. 

Cece's son, nicknamed "Boy".

     While in Thailand, the Lord opened my eyes to see that the cross really is real. Jesus is real, His love is real and tangible in my life. And if I really believe it, there is nothing I have to fear or worry about, and it's something I can't keep to myself anymore! The Lord opened doors and set up divine appointments while I was in Chiang Rai, and He showed me that every time I intentionally step out of my comfort zone, He will meet me there every time! He will give me the words to say when I need them, and He wants me to first and foremost be head over heels in love with Him. Which I totally and completely am! I cannot wait to see what else God has in store for me while I'm now here in India, which I know is going to be amazing, and soaked in His presence.

Thank you to everyone for your support, encouragement and prayers. They mean so much!

All for Him who deserves glory, power and honour forever and ever.
